dimanche 7 juin 2009

Reflexions about E-learning

what is E-learning?

E-learning can be defined as:
"The delivery of a learning, training or education program by electronic means. E-learning involves the use of a computer or electronic device (e.g. a mobile phone) in some way to provide training, educational or learning material. (Derek Stockley 2003)

E-learning can involve a greater variety of equipment than online training or education, for as the name implies, "online" involves using the Internet or an Intranet. CD-ROM and DVD can be used to provide learning materials.

Distance education provided the base for e-learning's development. E-learning can be "on demand". It overcomes timing, attendance and travel difficulties."

this definition is taken from this site: http://derekstockley.com.au/elearning-definition.html

What do I think about the E-learning?

E-learning or virtual learning is a great means of education nowadays. In fact, it "represents a new era of distance education" (Garrison 1997) that overwhelmes al the teachers especially those who have a great knowledge about using ICT in teaching.
To my mind this educational tool seems to be of a great efect especially for those students who cannot make it to the classrooms. Indeed, they can have an easy access to these on line courses and therefore will be able to learn and benefit from the courses.

How do I consider "E-evaluation"?

E-evaluation means evaluation on line. I think that this type of evaluation is not well defined and not well determined by this time. This is clearly seen when the ministery of education doesn't take into consideration the degrees and diploma taken via NET. It stays a matter of doubt how to get these degrees and who is doing these tests , etc.

Curriculum design model

Skills:(designed to the pupils of English in the 7th,8th ,and 9th forms of basic education)

1/Llistening:this skill is composed of different subskills such as:

* Familiarise pupils with the English sounds

* Listen for specific information

These subskills are divided into various components:

* recognise The English accent

* listen to songs and limericks

* distinguish minimal pairs

* listen to transfer information onto a table
* listen to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information
2/Speaking: this skill is composed of different subskills such as:

Communicate in real life situation :

*Interact with each other

*Pronounce at word level

*Pronounce lexis related to specific topics

3/Reading: this skill is also composed of different subskills:

*Reading for gist

*Reading for specific information
These subskills consist of many components:

*Attract the text main idea.

*Read to transfer information onto a table

*Infer information
*Distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information
4/Writing:this skill is also composed of different subskills:

*Guided writing
*Free writing
The components related to writing are:

*Jigsaw writing


*Short paragraph

*Use markers in discourse
*Planning and organising in expository language

samedi 6 juin 2009

What have I learned from Social Web 2.0

The first thing to say about this new method of learning is that it is a very creative way to learn and teach. It is indeed an up to date method that goes hand in hand with the fast technological progress.

Secondly, unlike the 1.0 Web, the social web 2.0 is dynamic, it offers non static knowledge and it permits the teacher as well as the pupils to add to that knowlegde at any time and from everywhere.

Thirdly, it is a cross-disciplinary web. It incompasses many disciplines and many knowledge sectors at the same time.
It adopts bottom-up approach to teaching . In fact, there is no room for a holder of information, i.e, no room for Knowledge Watchdogs. In this web , there is no specific owner of the knowledge. Knowledge is shared and provided by all the participants in this web.

This social web follows new and creative teaching methods. For example, it can make use of games, videos, podcast, maps, messaging both instant and non instant, chatting,etc.

To wrap up, this social web 2.0 functions in the following way: Browsing, clicking, chatting, communicating, and commenting. It can be improved only on the basis of the loggers comments :) In fact, the user is at the same time a consumer and a producer.

Lesson plan

This is a lesson plan destinated to the pupils of the 6th form of basic education.

Title of the lesson: Parents and Children

by the end of the lesson the pupil will be able to introduce other family members.

Targeted skills:
listening, speaking and reading.

Acquired knowledge:
Structures: this is
His/ her

Vocabulary: mother/ father/ sister/ brother / dad / mum

structures: these are
plural : regular + irregular

Vocabulary: son/ daughter/ child/ children/ parents

songs: the alphabet song
My parents
listening passage
gessing game

methods of working:
pair work + group work

The listening passage:
I live near an English family, the mother's name is Carol and the father is Bill.
They have three children: two sons and one daughter.
The names of the sons are Tom and John.The daughter's name is Lucy.
The parentswork in an English school.
The children go to another school near their house. This is a happy family. these are happy children and parents.

Stages of the lesson: Steps:
I/Warming up 1/Greetingthe teacher greets the class
2/A song: the alphabet song
3/Home fun: check the pupils home production "family tree"

Aims: review+fun , recycle family words and link with the new lesson.

II/Presentation: *listening-pupil's family tree+teacher's questions
-A listening passageabout an English family
-the teacher reads the passage and points to the pictures to introduce the new vocabulary+ drilling

*A song -pre listening question: listen and say if this is a song or a rhyme
-Listen and count the members of the family
-learning the song:1/look at the picture, listen to part one and sing 2/listen to part two and sing 3/ listen and sing the whole song
-the teacher asks the pupils to open teair books, to listen and to follow.
-enacting the song: 1/demonstration by the teacher 2/pupils take over

III/ Practice - students read the short text and fill in the blankswith the right words
-students complete the sentences with "this or these"

IV/ Home fun -task page 48

vendredi 5 juin 2009

My teaching Philosophy

As I am a member of a teacher-training program, I begin to have a relatively clear idea about the future teacher I want to be.

First, a teacher has to LOVE his students. If the students love their teacher then be sure that the teaching process will be Successul. If they love you, they will come to that particular course with an open heart and ,as a result, an open mind. They will consequently respect you, they will not be afraid but they will RESPECT you and if anyone of them makes you angry, they will all turn against him or her and will be angry with him or her.

Second, a teacher has to have cotrol over his Knowlegde. He should master the particular subject he's teaching. If he shows any sign of reluctantce, his students will doubt his knowlege and will credit him as a fake teacher.

Third, a Good teacher is a good ANIMATOR : a teacher should be energetic enough in order to animate his classroom and make the teaching atmosphere more enjoyable. This will certainly stir the whole class and help the students to involve in the teaching activities.

Finally, and the most important this, and this is my MODEL : A teacher should be CREATIVE. If I want to succeed , i have to create many new things to teach my students. I wont follow the same way of teaching, I will bring ICT to my classroom, and I will involve my students in my teaching activities.

To sum up, a sucessful teacher should be charismatic in a way he attracts the attention of his students by being energetic, being lover , being konwledgeable, and being CREATIVE.

Ambicious philosophy, isn't it?